Proposal Texts The Current Proposal [updated 5/8] What Board is considering right now would do three things: 1. Eliminate all BSC Alumni Association Board positions, 2. Create two external Director positions to be granted to people with no affiliation with the BSC, and 3. Empower Board to veto house-level elections of Board Directors
Proposal Texts Alternative #1: Keeping External Directors Cooperative may recommend... non-student directors who (a) are former members of the BSC or of a NASCO member cooperative, and (b) are currently members in good standing of another Co-operative Association as defined by California law.
Proposal Texts Alternative #2: More Proportional If we are reallocating Board positions, Board clearly has a mandate to prioritize proportional representation of members above uncooperative representation of non-members. This is a chance to make good on the so-far empty promises members accepted in exchange for our voting rights in 2015.
Proposal Texts All Substantive Changes Without these, the proposal affects member voting rights and therefore requires a vote of membership. Passing this anyway, would open the BSC up to liability under multiple laws. Moreover, it would be egregiously uncooperative.
What About "Members Vote"? This Should Require a Referendum We have a bylaw intended to stop Board from changing the composition of Board or member voting rights without a member referendum. At least that's what the Executive Director told us in 2015.